Thursday, October 28, 2010

So my GIRLFRIEND Guys/Girls HElp plz!!!?

okay so me and my girlfriend have been together for allmost 2 months now where both 16 she a virgin im not but

ive spent alot of time with her in my house alone and all that and she just wants to make out but she tells me she dont know what to do with a guy really how can i come across telling her like too i dont wanan sound dirty but too Get me 'happy'?

like rubbing/sucking/ect.

how can i tell her ive tryed putting her hang on there but she will untill i take my hand off her hand then i guess she feels like she shouldnt so how can iSo my GIRLFRIEND Guys/Girls HElp plz!!!?
if she's a virgin then she probably won't unless she falls in love with you. only 2 months together you say? that is not nearly long enough to move below the waist. i say just give it some time. how well do you know her? do you know her values? maybe she wants the first guy she does anything with to be a virgin as well. the fact that you are not a virgin may scare her due to the rapid increase in people with stds. not all girls are easy. she's obviously still innocent and it should stay that way until she's married because that's the right thing to do. if you really care about her and want to be with her then what's the rush? if instant physical gratification is more important than your relationship however, well then find a new gf perhaps? as the relationship progresses things might begin to ';get happy'; so to speak. infinite patience produces immediate results.So my GIRLFRIEND Guys/Girls HElp plz!!!?
from the sounds of this, she wants to but isnt sure how to, so if u put her hand there n u take ur hand off n so does she just put it back, she will get the picture, plus u might need to be suggestive n kinda tell her what u want her 2 do
just ask her!


im sure she wants to
damn dude you are 16 dont worry about getting any just worry about maintaining a steady stable relationship and then all of that will come when she feels comfortable with you then it will and then you guide her

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