Thursday, October 28, 2010

Clueless guy needs girlfriend advice! She sent me this message on facebook?

We live together yet she sent me this message on facebook. What do I make of this? Is she giving me an ultimatum?

You better be serious about those vows you just took. I've been having a serious battle with myself whether or not I should leave you. It's not a good feeling, but either is being hurt because of the stupid things you do and having a boyfriend I completely can't trust. You never listen to me when I talk and when I do you don't take me seriously so hopefully you will read this and get it through your head. It's your call and it depends on how much you value your family. Unless I change my mind before you get a chance to screw up again. You`re like a baby-you can't even be trusted by yourself for a few hours. It seems like you do things to make me mad before you get to make up for the first thing you did. You're never sorry for anything you do to ever hurt my feelings. It seems the only emotion you hold is anger. We should be moving forward instead of crumbling. I shed tears over this and you just don't care....and if you do I suggest that you show it and apologize for being a dumbass. And sincerely, not with a stupid smirk on your face because then I know your just doing it to make yourself seem sorry when you really just don't care and want to get it over with so i'll be happy.Clueless guy needs girlfriend advice! She sent me this message on facebook?
Definitely an ultimatum. If you don't stop, you're going to end up alone.

I would give my bf the same ultimatum if he was doing that. Man I'm glad I have him! haha

Good luck and ditch the damn porn! If you like it so much, make a bunch of videos of yourselves and watch that.Clueless guy needs girlfriend advice! She sent me this message on facebook?
I do believe she is giving you an ultimatum. By the sound of it if you really like her and want to keep your family together you should do whatever it takes. I obviously do not know your situation but I suggest you apologize and patch things up. (though I do think it is dumb she wont let you look at porn, it is a part of life). good luck though, wish I could help more.
I'd say you better do whatever she wants you to do, no matter how messed up it is.

This is because it sounds like you care, but also that you have two kids and are therefore tied to her for life no matter how your relationship goes. I'd do whatever it takes to fix it dude, cause its gonna hurt you more in the future then youll ever get out of looking at fake boobs jiggle.

Although it does seem a little extreme to react this way over porno...

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