Thursday, October 21, 2010

How do i steal this persons girlfriend if he treats her like sh*t?

i no this guy who has this girlfriend but he treats her like sh*t by tellin her to get out of his face or by making her do stuff like her givin him money.she won't leave him because i think it is because she only had sex with this person and because they used to be a good couple like 4 months ago.the guy is only with her because of the sex cause u can tell. so what i want to do is steal this guys girlfriend and give her more respect than he does because i think she is a girl that is wonderful girl that deserves the way im 16 and me and this girl r friends for at least 3 months already. what i mean by ''steal'' is trying to be her boyfriend.How do i steal this persons girlfriend if he treats her like sh*t?
You won't be able to steal her. You have to understand one thing - this girl likes being with this guy even though he treats her badly. Why? Because this girl (like most girls) thinks that she will be able to change him to be a better man. Have you ever heard that girls like the jerks and good guys finish last? Well, here is the example right in front of your eyes. She thinks she can make him a nice guy and that would be her ultimate triumph. Yes, girls like a challenge too!

She will come to her senses once she realizes that reality is different from romantic movies/novels where a bandit leaves the path of sin to be with a girl. It's so tempting for women to think that happens in real life. Alas, it does not.

All you can do is be her friend and show her the respect she deserves. You could try to drop hints that you are ';planning'; to see ';such and such'; girls and how you plan to treat them. Hopefully one day she will notice what she has and what she could get. And you will know the time to ask her out.How do i steal this persons girlfriend if he treats her like sh*t?
hey man, listen. as somebody who has been in the ';other guy's'; position, let me say something. now i've never been the guy who takes her money and treats her like ****, and if you've seen him do bad things, that's one thing, and i'm not speaking to that.

however, if all you have heard is her frustration with her relationship, you might not be getting the whole story. often times, a girl just wants to vent, especially to another guy who gives her male attention, comfort and strength. but there's a whole other side you don't see. how they are together, what he's like when they're alone. she obviously cares for him for some reason to be with him, and even more so, to stay with him if he's that bad. if she's really your friend and you care about her, you need to be able to be a man and talk to him about it. maybe let her know what you think about the situation first, but as a dude in the other spot, i want to kill this dude because he didn't come talk to me like a man. he tried to be sneaky and call when i was gone, he was the dreaded ';good listener'; and you know during those times she was venting to him about me, he wasn't saying ';he still loves you, he doesn't understand, you guys should work it out, etc.'; but whatever he could to make her feel better and try to get what he wants. there's a big difference between a supportive and protective strong man, and a pussy, sneaky vulture.

i actually got on here to find an answer for my situation, but saw yours and wanted to give a little perspective, even though i might not have the full story. all i know is this guy i know has some trouble coming to him, not for his efforts and friendship, but for the manner in which he went about it. actually it should be the wo-mannner since he did it like a *****. if i can help with another person's sanity and safety, maybe it will help me feel a little better.

good luck dude. don't do anything that would make you want to do something drastic if the roles were reversed. i might end up in jail if i run into this dude on the wrong day. if you want to actually do it, then EARN it. show her that care and respect and she'll come to you if he's really that bad.

btw, i'm 27. don't want to get you down but i doesn't get any easier or less confusing. but i felt the same way at times you do at 16 too. so get used to it, have fun, do chicks, take care of your business. you can't regret doing something, since you'll at least get a lesson for life out of it for yourself and do better in the future. you'll only regret not doing something, because then you'll never know and have to live with that.

peace bro.

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