Thursday, October 21, 2010

How to be Leo guy麓s girlfriend?

Im a Sag girl and I am hanging out a fair bit with a Leo guy. Supposedly, we are very compatible, and I would tend to agree.

He has been my friend for a while, physically we are very compatible and very attracted to each other and are both pretty Hehe. We麓re both sporty, active, restless, ';life of the party'; types. All of his attention is on me when we麓re out together, and I feel a little bit as though I麓m his ';trophy'; sometimes... When I麓m not there, I don麓t doubt that he is trying it on with other girls. Ha. I麓m not in love with him, but I do really like him a lot and would like to be his girlfriend on a kind of ';light'; level.

How can I be the ';girlfriend';? What is it that would get a Leo guy to see me that way?How to be Leo guy麓s girlfriend?
I wouldn't bother forcing him to do anything right now. It is very clear he is not ready for a relationship. Leo guys are especially fixed; they have that whole egotistical macho idea going on in their head. In general, ';life of the party'; type of people are never ready for serious relationships. By serious relationships I mean actual faithful and loyal relationships without any cheating drama and bad habits. I'm sorry to be generalizing you along with those people but unfortunately life isn't perfect and so aren't a lot of people's behaviors. I have met a lot of Sagittarius and again I'm sorry to say this but they are very impulsive and don't put any real thoughts on their sexual life and relationships. Like for example, there was this girl in school that let the runningback have sex with her on a daily basis while he had a girlfriend and would mess around with anything that had a heart beat -- guys included. Everyone found out and she eventually was known as our school's local whore. Please, don't let a party type of guy do that to you. I felt horrible for that girl, she was a nice one until things went way over her head.

Put some more thought into this. Think of what you really want in a man and don't settle for anything else. Who ever doesn't want to settle for that can kick the curve.

EDIT: This is why Sagittarius are my favorite sign. Because they're willing to listen to people and consider their opinions. And also because it is my moon sign and I am a little biased towards them. Anyways, here is a question for you -- what if you meet ';the one'; and he doesn't like you? Not because of the person you are then but because of the person you are now? You see, what I told you is true. Don't settle for anything less than what you want. But keep in mind that it goes for everyone else too. No one should settle for anything less than what they deserve. So lets say you meet the one and want to settle down with him finally and be monogamous. Be faithful and loyal. Yet he finds out the type of person you are and considers the way you exposed yourself like that and realizes you're not good enough for him. Can you imagine how heartbreaking that must be? To find your soulmate, the person ment for you, and for them to not consider you as an equal? That would suck. It isn't worth a couple of minutes of sex with anyone in my opinion.

Now, I am not trying to preach sexual abstinence. My point is only this: why buy the cow when you can get the milk for free?

Every day can be a fresh start. Show him that you're not all just about sex and being friends but instead show him that you're a human being capable of falling in love and being more than just his favorite girl that he likes to have sex with. Show him you can be his girlfriend by being more independant and having more respect for you body. If you can control your urges he might just come to respect you. Don't be that ';typical'; Sagittarius girl. Be someone more than just typical.


I know how you feel. I have felt feelings for others plenty of times yet I never had fallen in love with anyone until recently. We were both young and naive and nothing happened because we were so busy leading our own life seperately which we didn't have much in common with each other. Opposites do attract yet our lack of similarities ended up repelling us. I spend four years waiting for them to realize how perfect we fit together. I was of course just naive and stupid -- I thought that since I was their first love also they wouldn't forget about me easily, after all, I hadn't. Now we're hundreds of miles apart. It wasn't a happy ending, yet something tells me I have yet to see that happen still.

Perhaps I should take your own decision and move on myself. Let myself be loved once more. I have put up a wall ever since not allowing myself to have romantic feelings for anyone else yet I think it's only fair for myself to tear that wall now.

I'm sorry to hear about your loss. Just remember there is a reason for why people from your past didn't make it to your future.How to be Leo guy麓s girlfriend?
what you're doing plus a sense of humor should do the trick

there was one ugly girl i saw on TV and she made a joke and that made me laugh which made me like her more than half of the people i realllly know lol.

serious people = f*ck off lol.
if sucking his cock doesn't make you his girl friend then i don't think anything will. maybe you are just too easy for him and Leos are hunters not scavengers. also kings have many whores but only one wife. and if you are not already his favorite person then you will never be.

finally you don't seem to care much whether he is with other woman or not so why would you want to be anything more than his ***** buddy


but you said you didn't care about the fact that he was with other woman so how can there be any affection without a little care. most astrologers say sagittarius and Leo are a good match but more experienced astrologers say sagittarius brings out the worst in Leo. the worm heart, the passionate romantic Leo and his will to create beauty all disappears when a Leo meets a sagittarius.
this is the best description of typical Sagittarius woman. salute you for being honest.
sounds 2 me he is all about u, give it ashot

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