Thursday, November 11, 2010

Uncomfortable with my girlfriends guy friend?

Been dating this girl for about 10 months. She is 34 and she has this 60 year old guy friend. She says he is her best friend. They met when she was in her early twenties and he was around 50. They played Volleyball together. They became friends and have been close friends ever since. She describes him as a old pervert and giggles. Over the last 10 years he has expressed to her his interest in dating her multiple times. She says she's always told him no because he is too old for her. She has put him in the friend space but they still talk very openly abut sex and he flirts with her all the time. Again, she just giggles. They have even been naked in his hot tub various times over the years. She says it's nothing sexual and they are just comfortable around each other. They have dinner and drinks at least once a week and she wants to go do things with him like tail gate at a college foot ball games, etc.

My opinion is this is bullshit. To me he is a perverted old man who wants to screw my girlfriend. Has for years, and still wants to. He accepts being put in the friend space so he can stick around in the hopes things will one day change is what I think. What I can't figure out is what is she getting out of this friendship? He doesn't buy her lavish gifts and when they go to dinner she occasionally pays. She just seems to enjoy his company and enjoys his flirting as well it seems. What am I to do? To me she is making time with another man that wants to date her. I don't care how old he is. I think it needs to stop.Uncomfortable with my girlfriends guy friend?
Let's think about this from a RATIONAL perspective for a second:

Do you think that your girlfriend, who is 34, would ever actually date this 60 year old man?


So WHY are you wasting your time worrying about it, dude?

It isn't like he is actual competition. And even if he was, who cares?! She is YOUR girlfriend. Not his. You have her. He can flirt with her all he wants, but at the end of the day, she is yours.

Let me fill you in on something. There are *Three Things* which women find attractive in men. No, it isn't their wrinkles ;) In order to find out, you'll have to check out my blog, the link is in my profile.

One of them is Confidence.

And let me tell you something, a Confident man would not say ';Ugh, I feel so threatened by this 60 year old geezer trying to steal my woman! I need to put an end to this before he makes a move and she dumps me for him!';

Newsflash: Your insecurity is showing, big time. And confronting her about this is just going to make her feel like you are controlling her and have no confidence.

So my solution to this, is any time she mentions him, make a joke out of it. Use reverse psychology. Show that you do not care. Say something like ';Oh, is he inviting you out to dinner this Saturday? He going to make you some mashed peas and Jell-O?'; It will show that you are taking this in good humor, and do not care about what she does with her life.

Read my blog about what women like (in October) to find out why this works so well, and how to keep it going. I write my blog just for guys like you, as well as write a relationship advice column for my college newspaper. Email me if you want to discuss this more... don't be shy, you aren't the only guy with dating questions, lots of guys email me. Nothing is off topic and all emails are private. I'd love to hear from you!Uncomfortable with my girlfriends guy friend?
I have no clue

Old hairy balls isn't my thing lol
u shud really do sometin abt him..sounds lik a perverted man to me too!!...i knw u probably tried telin her ur uncomfortable wit him..cause if u havent u should probably do honest wit her..
I understand how you feel but they have been friends for so long and nothing has happened so I would let it be. I understand how you feel and you dont like it but you have been with her for 10 months she isnt going to stop being his friend. I think she would drop you so fast if you even mentioned it to her. If you dont like it then let her go cause she isnt going to let him go. Good luck to you. I know that I wouldnt be able to deal with it. I would of left her a long time ago
I would say they're just friends, but the fact that he wants her more then that, and the fact they were naked together makes it a rocky situation. Tell her you know they're friends in her eyes but they're more in then friends in his. She is the girl in that mans life, and if she cant see that shes blind,. tell her its unacceptable to be naked in front of him and knowing that she thinks its ok you don't know what to imagine she does with him when your not around and you just don't feel right about it. Im sorry man, Im a young girl and I had a ';friend'; that was twice my age, and he didn't stay just my friend, so I believe more has happened between them, except she wants a future of kids and family, and hes too old, and in my opinion, ok they're best friends, but once a week is a bit much. I would tell her in makes you feel very uncomfortable, and see what she says, and if things don't simmer down a little, you should find a new girl. I don't care how comfortable you are, you don't get naked in front of friends, especially of the opposite sex
My opinion is you are just jealous and can't see past a friendship. If she wanted that old dude, she would have done so a long time ago. Why would she waste her time with you if she always wanted him? Just because he doesn't buy her things doesn't mean he's not a friend. He might not have money. If someone was cheating on you, or wanted someone else, they wouldn't be so open about their friendship. She already told her he's just a friend. It sounds like you have no respect for your girlfriends word. Thats the real issue here. You need to tell her and talk about it.

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