Thursday, November 11, 2010

How Do I Get This Guy Away From My Girlfriend?

Me and my girlfriend have been going out for about a month. Unkniown to me when i first meet her, one on my friends like her. And i mean, really like her. He calls her reapeatedly every night and when we even went on our first date he wanted to tag along. I've just about had it with him, he always wants to be with us when we're together and flirts with her. How can I stop him without throwing punches.How Do I Get This Guy Away From My Girlfriend?
well you can't tell your girlfriend who to be friends with just talk to the guyHow Do I Get This Guy Away From My Girlfriend?
man up and tell him. if he's your friend he will respect your wishes, if not then cut all ties with him. and your girl isn't helping matters by accepting his calls. when you and your girl go out, just go........if he asks if you're going out with ';so and so'; , tell him its none of his business and don't tell him where you're going.
Tell him that it's game over. She's with you, so he needs to stop acting like she's single. He shouldn't be disrespecting you like that.
ask your girlfriend if this man must be in her life %26amp; why. the answer may surprise you.
Tell her that you aren`t going to put up with that and if she wants to continue the relationship then she needs to make sure he isn`t going to interfere. He`s most likely trying to see if he can make her single and then try and go for her.
talk to him about it or get someone else to mention it to him that he needs to back off. Also try to tell your girlfriend not to give him any attention.

This happened with me and my bf. Instead the guy didn't like me before me and my bf were going out. He stopped once everyone told him to back off. He's still our friend but he doesn't flirt now.

OMG are you serious? he's your FRIEND??? okay, friends don't do this to each other. if you like ur friend's partner, you back off....

ask him what is he doing, just ask him what's up with that, see what he says and sort it out.

if that doesn't work, get your girlfriend to tell him to back off.
you have to talk with him and make him can ask him if he feels something like lov with your girlfriend and thus talk to him and make him understand.your girlfriend also has a vital role to play.if she loves you then automatically she must neglect your friend if the latter is crossing the limit.however it may because your girlfriend loves him thats she is attached with your friend.girls are like that dear.i dont know your girlfriend nor you and your friend so im just saying this.your friend is betraying you.if he is really your friend he must respect you and your feeling for your girlfriend.and dont forget not to fight dear.simply leave both if your matter is can mail me on i may help ajmeer 19 from Mauritius Island
Tell your girlfriend that you plan on confronting him with her there. When he pops up on the scene again while you two want to be alone, simply tell him flat out: ';Look man, I don't want to hurt your feelings and we like you and all; but you're interfering in our relationship. It's nice to spend time with you occasionally in public, but we're dating like to spend intimate time alone...that's what guys like about girls!';
She can hang out with him if she wants to!
Lol Flight of the Conchords like

um i would say

';dude listen i know you like %26lt;girlfriend's name here%26gt; and i really don't want to jeopardise our friendship cause you're really awesome, so do you think you could back off?';

idk him say something like that but be sensitive to his feelings

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