Thursday, November 11, 2010

How do I deal with this guy that has a girlfriend?

He has been dating his girlfriend for a couple of months, and we just starting hanging out and texting, and he says he loves her, but he's starting to get a crush on me. I tell him that's not okay, he has to choose, so he says he chooses her, but then we flirt and like each other. This isn't fair to the girlfriend or me, and I can't help but thinking about him as more than a friend all of the time. Help! What do I do?How do I deal with this guy that has a girlfriend?
You cut off all contact. You're right: it isn't fair if he's chosen her, but still flirts with you. You have to make a clean break or you'll always be playing second string to his girlfriend. If he calls you, cut the conversation short, if he texts you, ignore them, and if he speaks to you in person, find a reason to get away as quick as you can. Lie if you have to. If he catches your lie, or accuses you of avoiding him, tell him the truth. It isn't fair for him to flirt with you, so you're breaking away. good luck :)How do I deal with this guy that has a girlfriend?
move on, get out and someone else will come along, they always do....
juz b frendz but if u cnt don't be
possibly tell the girlfriend. do that and just forget him, someone who wants you and someone else doesnt deserve you. your better than that.

answer mine??????;鈥?/a>
leave him alone,, even if he txt u or calls dont answer. he picked his gf which means he cares %26amp; loves her, the guy is a player. %26amp; u said its not fair for her or you, u deserve someone better. someone who would pick u anytime of the day.

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