I am going through such a hard time right now! My husband and I separated about 3 months ago and we are both 26. We bickered alot and we both had some improvements to make but I told him I wanted to get back together with him and he agreed.
I haven't spoken with him in a little over a month, which I thought was weird, and I just found out from his brother that he's been dating a 17 year old for the last month!
Not only that, but his mother (who I thought I was on good terms with..) set them up. This girl is a friend of his step-sister. She is still in high-school. He is 26 and owns a business. I don't get it?
The thing is, if I was dating a high-school guy, EVERYONE would LAUGH at me, including myself! I get that younger girls are hot, but how can men stand to be in actual relationships with them?
I asked him if it was true and if he still wanted to try to work things out, and he said he's happy with where he is right now and wants a divorce. I also found out (from his brother) that his girlfriend starts college in the fall and he's going to move out of state to be closer to her dorm.
It seems like the only other person who has a problem with this is his brother. I can't believe his mother supposrts this, because she went through an awful divorce only 5 years ago, in which her husband was cheating on her with a teenager. My husband hated his father for cheating on his mother, and he used to make fun of his father for going out with younger girls, saying it was gross. Now he's doing the same thing.
I am so heartbroken and so mad. I never thought this could happen to me. Is there anything I can do to save my marriage? Why is my husband and his mother acting this way, when they were so hurt when his father did the same thing to them? What should I do?Why are men attracted to much younger girls? Please read...?
I think you are correct, other then she has nice firm titties she has to be an air head.
It is purely looks, and he should know better. Maybe you should hook up with his brother, he has common sense at least.Why are men attracted to much younger girls? Please read...?
Be glad that you are out of this relationship so soon, it's doomed. His family is very dysfunctional. I know you are hurting but you can have so much more without all the heart ache.
Is this legal where you reside? Why would his mom want him with a younger chick, seems like she'd want her son with a more responsible mature female. But oh well. I would just move on. He isnt good with making wise decisions. I also dont understand how he has a business because ppl who usually make bad choices in life run things like businesses into the ground.
get a divorce lawyer right now make him pay alimony, pay for your college get 1/2 of his 401k plan, and house........
If you're trolling then bravo. It's a good attempt.
If you're a 26 year old male with marital problems who is trying to live out his fantasies about the hot 17 year old girl down the street, then you're just sick and should be locked up. (I think this is most likely the truth)
If you're really who you say you are, be grateful. Sounds like taking advantage of teenagers runs in his family. Though it doesn't feel like it, he's doing you a HUGE favor in giving you freedom from him and his dysfunctional family.
It's weird that his mother sees no problem with this. This girl is way too young for him! It's disgusting. Also, he's only been with her for a month, but is moving out of state for her? WEIRD. I think you should move on...he sounds like a huge loser. And he might be ';happy'; with his little girl now, but I'll bet you anything she leaves him for a frat boy after 1 semester. What 17 year old wants someone almost 10 years older?
Move on girl! He is a waste of your time!
You mistakenly seem to think an older woman actually offers something more.
Do not confuse me - she may very well have more to offer she just doesn't.
There's only about four or five things a woman can do to make a guy happy and most aren't willing to do them.
So it doesn't matter if an older woman is able to offer more, it doesn't matter since she doesn't actually do so, so you may as well date a younger hotter model.
Call the police- that relationship is illegal.
they are diferent types of mens:the guys ho feel atracted with younger lades and guys like me ho feel atracted with girls older then my its normal on us guys and im just 12 years old and i love someone that is 2 older then me i really love her.her name alvania shes at 8 grade and im at 7 grade she makes my heart pump a lot but i never thought that that she knew that a all i feel a little bad right now...
Hi - but you're only 26! You're still very young and probably still very 'hot' yourself!
Your husband is making a prat of himself, simple as. The relationship is inappropriate in so many ways. Try and pity the daft teenager, who will miss out on SO much fun in College because of that silly fool.
However, you need to face up to the fact that the marriage is kaput, over, dead in the water. He didn't even have the good manners to ask for a divorce before he was knocking off his teenybopper.
It doesn't matter two hoots what his father did, what his mother is doing - NONE of it. What matters, is that YOU come out of this mess with your dignity and self-respect intact. Don't bother trying to psyc evaluate why they are doing the very thing that they allege to despise, it's been done and dusted. He thinks he loves the girl, and he's certainly broken his marriage vows.
Take off your wedding ring, get to a Lawyer/Solicitor and make a few small plans for yourself. Talk to your girl-friends and members of your own family.
You haven't done anything wrong; there's nothing wrong with YOU; this is HIS problem and he can wallow in teenage tantrums until the cows come home, if he wants to. Let him get on with it.
Give yourself LOTS of time to heal from this bitter and undignified blow; steer clear of rebound relationships, eat and sleep as well as you can, talk often to people you trust, stop dreaming of a reconciliation, and get deliciously angry enough to rise above that idiot and think about yourSELF again.
Good luck to you.
EDIT: Someone is telling porkies on here! Men peak at 18 years of age, actually.
And women peak in their 30's:
girls peak around age 25 physically. men are attracted to the physical attributes of women because of hormonal and procreation reasons. a woman 17-25 is in the peak of her childbearing years. men are always going to be attracted to this. no social stigmas or regulations will ever change this. men peak at about 10-15 years later on average. that's why a man in his 30's is more desireable to women, he is better adapted to his surroundings can protect and provide for his woman better. it's all biological.
out puritan way of life is to blame. men are not monogamous by nature. we still have animal instinct, as do women. have you ever wondered why men are expected to change, but women aren't? food for thought. i blame organized religion and the social stigmas it has produced.
Normal men aren't attracted to schoolgirls. My wife's a lot younger than I am, but she's a grownup.
Your husband's proabably a pedophile. He certainly has serious issues. And none of that really matters anymore in your life, because your only reasonable option is divorce anyway. Your only option if he actually files.
Every single story I've heard in my life from women who dated a guy in his 20s when they were in high school has the same ending. Around the time he's 30, he's arrested for sex with a 13 year old or something similar. Maybe your husband is an exception who is simply very immature and needs a little girl he can manipulate and who looks up to him they way women his own age don't, because they can tell he's a loser.
Because you're right. Normal adults don't date high-schoolers. Everyone would laugh at them. We can't conceive of doing it. I'm sorry, but 17 year old girls are NOT hot to a normal 26 year old. They're kids. But try explaining that to the 17 year olds dating the cool older guy. They never figure it out until they grow up.
Of course men are attracted to young women. These women are in their prime, physically. Not all men, but most men will jump at a chance to be with a young, hot woman. It sounds like he had a lot of encouragement, which if you were on good terms with his family and they really like you, I do not understand. Perhaps not all was what it seemed, or they felt that you were not good for each other.
If your husband is immature, and she is a mature 17, some people might see them as a good match. When couples separate and start dating others, the chances for a divorce to happen are pretty high. No matter what they say going in.
I am not sure what, if anything, you can do to save your marriage. You could suggest some marriage counseling, but if he wants out, I am afraid he will go. Sorry. Good luck.
I know this wont help but one day you will so thankful you didnt have children with this man. He is not worthy of you. THis guy lied to you and broke your trust. You found out the man that you built your world around and your future with is not who you thought he was. Ouch, that hurts and it hurts deeply. You dont deserve this pain and heartache. Betrayal is one of the worse emotions that exist. It cuts through the soul and takes years to heal from. Right now things seem hopeless and unfair. And they are pretty dire but there is life after a break up .You will love again and when you do it wont be with someone who is untrustworthy because you will have leaerned from this tool. YOu are worthwhile. you are beautfiul. YOu have so much to offer someone. Hang in there. You will heal and you will find peace. You will find a man who cherishes you who would rather die than hurt you or lie to you. Look at this website: http://home.att.net/~velvet-hammer/divor鈥?/a>
I don't know.
I'm 21 and to be honest I'm attracted to younger girls.
It probably won't change as I get older.
I'm so sorry and yes I would be heartbroken as well... I can't believe he's going to move to be closer to her during college.. WTF.... It's only been a month.. Some guys really don't care for younger girls as their mind isn't all that mature.. just their body which gets old after awhile. Your 26 year husband is just immature!!!
The best thing you can do is just let it go... Take deep breaths and let it go.. It's the beginning of summer so you need to have some fun yourself.. Do something that you've always wanted to do.. Yoga is really good too!!
1. dating a 17 year old is almost pedophillic and he might be committing statutory rape.
2. a guy dating a much younger woman almost always has security ans self esteem issues.
3. any guy that prefers a teenager to a woman that knows how to do things in the bedroom is pathetic.
4. your husband is a pathetic loser who you can't please a real woman so he must prey on younger girls who do not know better.
Men go for teens when they don't want to be challenged in any way. There is no need for a long term commitment, nor making plans for future/family/responcibilities..........鈥?but sex and admiration from the she child. You husband is incapable of handling the reality/responsilbility of life. Do you really want a man like this as your life partner? What is it you would like to build with someone who can't face reality? His mom just got her son back. In a marriage of equals, parents move to the second/third place since your family takes priority/front stage. with a teen girlfriends, your mom just got rid of competition for attention, and being divorced herself, she probably could use some more of her son's attention, since her husband rejected her. I know, it's sick and perverted
from all sides. Mum screws up her son's future due to her personal selfishness, husband leaves marriage due to unwillingness to deal with stress relationship brings.
I am so sorry this happen to you. It is definitely heartbreaking. But you will heal, and will move on, and at 26 you have a great chance to meet an adult who will not try to run away from life through delusional relationships.
Good Riddance to you.
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