Thursday, November 11, 2010

How do I get the attention of a guy who has a girlfriend?

He just started going out with this girl. He just moved here. He seems to be looking at me quite often when I pass him in the halls at school. I'm shy. I want to talk to him but he is a senior and I don't really know how to talk to him. My friend tells me that he looks at me a lot when we walk by him. I'm a very modest girl and therefore I dress in a very cute/modest way. How can I approach him if he is always with his girlfriend?How do I get the attention of a guy who has a girlfriend?
Don't do it!

make him want settle hints as you walk by like tilting your head down slightly and let a settle smile build or wear some really awesome smelling perfume so when you walk by, he'll want to ch ace after you and suck the fumes off you heehaw!

oh and most importantly, trip the girlfriend on the floor in the middle of the hallway!How do I get the attention of a guy who has a girlfriend?
You don't. Unless you want to be a homewrecker. And that's real cool.

But not really.
You don't. He's not available and it would be wrong of you to try to interfere. Besides, even if he was interested in you it would mean he's a cheater and not worth dating anyway. Maybe if he's single some day you will have a chance.
Easy you don't!!! If he will look at other girls and leave this girl for you who's to say that one day it won't happen when he is with you...don't move in on someone elses man...If he is that into you let him get out of his relationship on his own and then pursue you.. trying to talk to someone elses boyfriend is not right
You shouldn't really, would you like it if someone did that to you?
Stay out of the way and do not get in the way of their relationship. You don't want that kind of drama, and it is very disrepectful towards his woman.
Do NOT approach him when he is with his girlfriend. when ur passing by him just act as if u just bumped into him or something and then just start a conversation
DON'T!!!! wait until he breaks up with her...because it would be rude and selfish of you if you did that when they are still together
well u 1st have to get to know him. and don't try and break them up. if you do then you might regret it. if you really and truly like him get to know him. if your in one of his classes that shes not in talk to him pass notes or somthing. get to be his friend then keep it that way. if they break up then comfort him like say nice stuff like its okay, mabey it wasnt meant to be, ECT. but dont rush into it. if u do get to know him then u can tell if it was meant to be between u 2.
You might think he is always looking at you but sorry to say he is probably not. If he has a girlfriend than he isn't the shy type to just stare and linger he would make a move. So if he hasn't just leave it be you don;t wanna come between a guy ad his girl.
leave him alone!

Besides, he sounds like he might be a cheater. Do you really want to be involved with a guy who would cheat on his gf?? That could be you. Think about it.

Why don't girls get it? geez. A cheater will cheat on any girl, no girl is an ';exception.';
you dont. unless your intentions r to b just friends but it sounds like u want more and its pretty disrespectful to his gf.
I'd suggest just waiting until he's single. He'll make the first move if he's interested and you won't have to worry about getting his attention, as it sounds like you already have it. :)
OK, if you really want to know how I'll tell you.

1st find a reason to get his phone numer or go to his house. You'll have to make him desire you so email will not work. You call him when you're tired so your voice is sexy %26amp; use suggestive language casually in conversation. Do NOT just say I want you. Tell him you really want this new dress %26amp; it's so gorgeous you can't wait to have it on your body %26amp; feel the fabric against your skin. I know it sounds silly but stuff like that works to set his mind thinking about you in a girlfriend type way.

2nd you should become interested in what he's interested in or pretend. Say you know a little but could he show or tell you more about wahtever it is he's into. If he says he heard a great new song %26amp; asks if you heard it you should say I think I heard the chorus but I'd love to hear the whole thing would you play it for me or call me when it's on. He'll then be thinking about you when he hears it plus the more time you spend together the better.

3rd make friends w/ his friends but don't flirt w/ them. Don't focus on him too much when you talk w/ them either. Boys are not girls they'll get bored if you continue to talk about another guy, even if they're friends to them. But if you Should mention how hot he is or that he looked good in what he was wearing that morning make sure you ephasize the words that discribe him possibly pausing in between: example - He looked SOOO (short pause) SUPER HOT today in class that I could barely focus - then smile like you did something bad. They will almost definately tell him. He might even ask you about it. If he does play coy smile say so or yes or something short. Making his mind go crazy is a good thing.

He'll be done w/ her %26amp; onto you in no time. Make sure to be concerned when he tells you they broke up. Ask is she alright - that way he won't even realize that you've stolen him %26amp; if he's alright - so he knows you care about him like a good girlfriend would.

If he's current girlfriend is reading this I'm sorry but the question was asked so I answered. Perhaps you could ask a question about keeping your boyfriend from getting taken by another girl.
If he is an honest guy, then there's no way to make his attention shift from his girlfriend. However, good things come to those who wait, so maybe he'll break up with this girl soon, and you might get what you want.
Have some self respect. You don't get a taken man's attention. How would you like it if some girl was trying to get your man's attention... Leave it alone and if it was meant to happen, it will...
I agree. Don't! There are plenty of other guys out there.
his girl friend is going to make ur life hell and call you a sl*t if you dare try to get his attention. if he likes you enough, HE should end the relationship.
Just give him hints. Smile back with a flirty smile make yourself high. By high i mean get your head up walk tall with confidence in your self and know you are worth it. Wink at him.
you don't.
If you want to do this politely, wait till they're broken up. If you want to play it dirty, then fake a break-up note to him from her, then go at your chance

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